Monday, February 21, 2011

I want to be a Superhero

Mr. Moxie wanted to watch a movie entitled "Kick Ass". To be honest this did not sound the slightest bit appealing but in fairness for putting up with my ranting about welfare (day in and day out - see other blog "Welfare Reform") I decided to indulge his request.

Homerun! I LOVED this movie. It was an encapsulation of everything I am striving to do short of actually putting on costume and seeking trouble that is. The main character is a geeky loser who is bullied or otherwise ignored by the majority of the general public. Rather than plotting revenge and blowing up the school or something of the like. He decides to become a crime fighter, a superhero with no skills and who does not back down even when he is getting his butt handed to him.

The movie has other stories running through it but the general theme of taking matters into your own hands rather than accepting things the way other people have.

My favorite scene is when he is defending a guy being beaten up by three other dudes. At one point he is crouched over the guy trying to prevent any further blows when the leader asks him, "why are you getting your ass kicked for some guy you don't even know, what are you stupid? What's wrong with you?" The geeky guy responds., " What's wrong with me? It's three against one! What's wrong with me? There are people surrounding us who are just watching this happen and you are asking what's wrong with me?"

That for me sums it all up. He was willing to be pummeled or even killed to stand for the principle. That is what made him a superhero to me. I hope I can be just like him. Wanna join? :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Momma Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Picture this: You want a new pair of shoes, something unique and affordable, hell comfortable too. Well according to The Economist 2/14-2/18/11 you are going to get it. Work has been underway since early 2000 to bring this technology into your home, business and to replace major manufacturing plants.

Imagine instead of building something with your bare hands you instead click your mouse essentially eliminating the need for manual labor.  This new technology is basically dependent upon your ability to design a model on the computer of what you want the printer to make you. Or if that is out of your realm there are plenty of free software programs, such as Alibre and Autodesk, that make it possible for the average computer user to design their own products. You can either invest in your own 3d home printer or send your design to a company with the technology to print it for you.

If you wanted to invest in your home 3d printer you would begin the process of "adding" the materials and the printer glues it all together in very tiny particles.
For more details about that process visit:

Seriously bizarre, right? A company called is already bringing this technology to the average individual. Starting prices range in the 20K-30K range depending upon how complex your printer will be.

I am already imagining all of the entrepreneurial ideas I can finally bring to fruition! And before any of you express sympathy for Mr. Moxie - he is the one who brought this to my attention.  I so want one for Christmas :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthers and Birtherism?

Folks, I cannot make this stuff up. In cruising the web today I came across this new word in headline titles. Well new to me anyways - Birthers and Birtherism. I kid you not either the media or the GOP themselves have labeled this new term to bring attention and doubt the President's citizenship.

                                            Birthism:What the does it mean?

Here is the urban dictionary definition of the term: A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth, birth certificate, favorite birthday, or whether or not he has heard the song Africa by Toto.

The wiki definition: Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories reject the legitimacy of U.S. President Barack Obama's citizenship and his eligibility to be President. Some of these conspiracy theories allege that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and that his birth certificate is a forgery. ...

                     Why are we still talking about Barack Obama's birth certificate?

Well for one people are starting to mumble intents or thoughts of throwing their name in the hat for President in the next election. Do they really think that this sort of issue advocacy is going to swing the American voters? I am not happy with a lot of decisions the President has made especially the way he has prioritized the list of campaign promises but the GOP must be really scared. Why else would they try and feed us this drivel?

Karl Rove is trying to tell the media or anyone else who will listen that the "Birther" are not a significant reflection of the Republican party. Yet 51% of GOP primary voters stated in a survey referenced on "Meet the Press", that do NOT believe that the President is in fact a US Citizen.

Mr. Moxie and I are decline to states; mostly because we have passionate positions that cover both theologies so we are not inclined to see our selves in either party. I do not always agree with Obama but I have no doubt in his right to be president. I just can't stop laughing about this term and the fact that they have put so much energy in to this. I wonder if they also believe in crop circles :)

Betty Crocker Hates Me

Good old Betty is a sadist. She observed the way that bars of every kind have made their way into our everyday life. Protein, fiber, granola, energy etc. Even Mr. Moxie is known to munch a Fiber One bar on occasion. She could not resist placing her temptation of sweet chocolate, caramel, coconut goodness right next to the healthy bars.

I mean really people how am I supposed to pick up the fiber chocolate bar that I have convinced myself is yummy when Betty has made seven layer bars.

Damn you Betty and your confectionery goodness!

Restraint for the Sake of Safety?

I am particularly disturbed by recent events in my community. After a
drive by shooting that left 3 teens dead a demonstration march was
held by 100 or so of their fellow classmates. The march itself seems
appropriate until the regional paper reports that open bottles of
liquor & joints were being passed around while police observed.

So not only was this taking place in public but, it was underage, the
police were watching, & the paper reported it all. Let that sink in.
Wow, right?

We were recently named an All American City, a prestigious award that
exemplifies the kind of community we are despite these acts of

I can live with the fact that those who feel above the law are going
to commit crimes on our community & we can only do so much about it. I
cannot accept that for fear of inciting a riot or something else we
chose to condone inappropriate behavior by our youth.

What kind of message are we sending? Well we are telling our youth
that because we are afraid of them we will not take the proper actions
to protect them.

No wonder they are attracted to being wannabe or actual gang members!
A gang for all it's issues has a pretty straight forward breakdown of
power & control over it's members. If a gang is making our kids think
that they have a better chance at structure, boundaries & connections
than they can get from the community at large - then well we have
failed them.

Until we accept the consequences & step up to take real action we will
continue to see unnecessary violence.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just Say No to Shoving & Pushing

Let me begin by saying that although I have many pet peeves about public transportation I use it daily & appreciate the convenience it affords Mr. Moxie & I as a one car family.

Now my rant: does anyone else notice that while exiting a train, bus or elevator there is some sort of odd push to get on prior to letting people get off first. Does anyone else notice this?

Everyday I exit at the 65th lightrail station here in Sacramento & for reasons I do not understand it is particularly a problem.

Picture it: I am attempting to exit down the two step stairwell & people proceed to push & force there way on. Hence blocking the rest of us from getting off!

I mean seriously - this is not a stunt scene. They do not require you to hurtle yourself on or jump off. It waits really it does.

Speak up - help your fellow citizen & prevent them from knocking you down. Just say no to shoving & pushing ;)