Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthers and Birtherism?

Folks, I cannot make this stuff up. In cruising the web today I came across this new word in headline titles. Well new to me anyways - Birthers and Birtherism. I kid you not either the media or the GOP themselves have labeled this new term to bring attention and doubt the President's citizenship.

                                            Birthism:What the does it mean?

Here is the urban dictionary definition of the term: A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth, birth certificate, favorite birthday, or whether or not he has heard the song Africa by Toto.

The wiki definition: Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories reject the legitimacy of U.S. President Barack Obama's citizenship and his eligibility to be President. Some of these conspiracy theories allege that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and that his birth certificate is a forgery. ...

                     Why are we still talking about Barack Obama's birth certificate?

Well for one people are starting to mumble intents or thoughts of throwing their name in the hat for President in the next election. Do they really think that this sort of issue advocacy is going to swing the American voters? I am not happy with a lot of decisions the President has made especially the way he has prioritized the list of campaign promises but the GOP must be really scared. Why else would they try and feed us this drivel?

Karl Rove is trying to tell the media or anyone else who will listen that the "Birther" are not a significant reflection of the Republican party. Yet 51% of GOP primary voters stated in a survey referenced on "Meet the Press", that do NOT believe that the President is in fact a US Citizen.

Mr. Moxie and I are decline to states; mostly because we have passionate positions that cover both theologies so we are not inclined to see our selves in either party. I do not always agree with Obama but I have no doubt in his right to be president. I just can't stop laughing about this term and the fact that they have put so much energy in to this. I wonder if they also believe in crop circles :)

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