Friday, February 18, 2011

Momma Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Picture this: You want a new pair of shoes, something unique and affordable, hell comfortable too. Well according to The Economist 2/14-2/18/11 you are going to get it. Work has been underway since early 2000 to bring this technology into your home, business and to replace major manufacturing plants.

Imagine instead of building something with your bare hands you instead click your mouse essentially eliminating the need for manual labor.  This new technology is basically dependent upon your ability to design a model on the computer of what you want the printer to make you. Or if that is out of your realm there are plenty of free software programs, such as Alibre and Autodesk, that make it possible for the average computer user to design their own products. You can either invest in your own 3d home printer or send your design to a company with the technology to print it for you.

If you wanted to invest in your home 3d printer you would begin the process of "adding" the materials and the printer glues it all together in very tiny particles.
For more details about that process visit:

Seriously bizarre, right? A company called is already bringing this technology to the average individual. Starting prices range in the 20K-30K range depending upon how complex your printer will be.

I am already imagining all of the entrepreneurial ideas I can finally bring to fruition! And before any of you express sympathy for Mr. Moxie - he is the one who brought this to my attention.  I so want one for Christmas :)

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